How to Play Non?Physical Games for All Ages at Family Gatherings

Arrange chairs in a circle. Bring everyone at the dinner, lunch or gathering from the youngest to the oldest, into the room and, with a person in charge, announce the ground rules: speak clearly, be concise, and project your voice. Assist those who need a little help. Start with introductions. Each person must tell his or her name in rhyme. It's OK to use middle or last names if they lend themselves better to rhyming. For example, My name is Sue and I live at the zoo. My name is Bob and I'm no snob. Corny, yes, but it will get people relaxed and laughing. Play Here Comes the Tray. Who hasn't played this at a birthday party or shower? Distribute mini legal pads, pencils and bring out a tray with 10 or so common items on it. Have a volunteer, perhaps the person who chose the items and won't be taking part in the guessing, walk slowly circle the group for approximately 3 minutes. Tell the participants to take a long, hard look because after the tray is gone, each person must try to remember all items displayed and list them on their pads. If there are really young participants, work in teams of two. At the end, have the person with the most items listed read their list aloud to the

group. Ask people to raise their hands if they accounted for the item. Decide who or which team came closest to remembering the most items. Prizes are optional, but make them small and insignificant. Fun is the order of the day, not loot. Play Word Repeat, another memory game. Start anywhere in the circle and have that person say a word associated with the holiday you are celebrating. For example, "cranberries" for a Thanksgiving gathering. The next person must repeat the first word and add another. "Cranberries and gravy" Then, perhaps, "cranberries, gravy and mincemeat pie," continuing around the circle. After linking five or six words, people will start calling out helpful prompts and it might get a little silly. All the better, more laughs, more fun. Play Family History. It is a game that relies on achievements of various members. On a prepared handout, ask questions from the participant's lives, living or dead. Who fought in the Civil War? Who left home at age eighteen to became a secretary? Who wore a wedding dress made by her mother and aunt? Who went to Paris as part of a college course? Who, in the family made the best chili? Give Discussion questions. If I Won the

Lottery, how would I use the money? Who changed your life? Share the "whys" and "hows". Who was your favorite teacher and why? What advice did someone give you that you use today? Have a number of questions ready, read them aloud and allow time for everyone to give an opinion. As a closing exercise, have each person write a note to the person on his/her right and pay them a compliment. Even if that person isn't familiar, perhaps a guest to the party, there will be nice things to write about them. "Like the color of your sweater," "Noticed how helpful you were with serving the dinner," and so on.

The meal is demolished, no one is tempted to eat even a wafer thin mint, and inertia is setting in. By establishing a tradition of quiet, mental games that do not involve a lot of running around, or bats and balls, the whole gang can laugh together, share memories, and flex their creativity skills. A few simple guidelines can make the time spent together fun and productive. Wait! What about the big game on TV? Mute it and make your own happy memories.


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