How to Start a Toddler Exercise Class
Pick up the babies from their houses.
Drive them to practice.
Go into the portable/house.
Close and lock the door.
Turn on the radio. This is a practice step.
Teach the babies to wiggle around. Rock them if they start crying.
Turn it off.
A few seconds later, start again. The babies should start wiggling. (If they don't do anything, don't grade them! They're just babies!)
For the rest of the activities, go outside. Unlock the door and get one of those donut-lines that are colored.
Set up the pool and fill it up with water from your hose.
One by one, put on the baby's mini-snorkel.
Teach them to put up their legs, and put them back down (Kick).
Repeat the previous step until the babies get it right.
Then, let the babies swim!
PREVIOUS STEP: Watch them at all times.
Dry them off.
(Optional) Bounce a bouncy ball to one baby. Help them bounce it on to the next baby, and the next baby, and so on.
Now, head on to the trampoline! Have them bounce around.
PREVIOUS STEP: Watch them at all times!
Do jump roping! Teach the babies to jump.
Let babies jump rope (with your help, of course)!
After that, go back inside.
Get food from the refrigerator.
Have snack time and
help feed the babies!
Then, have the play time. Let them do whatever they want!
Put them in your van again and drive them home!
Do you love babies? Are you too young for having children or love babies, but don't want a child? Start an exercise class for toddlers!