How to Help Your Child Progress in Hockey

Determine the focus you (if you are the player) or your child has for the game. Use the resources of your local youth hockey league or regional NHL team. Often, NHL teams will run summer camps for the youths. Search the net for players that you want to emulate and read their biographies. Check their histories. Read what schools they attended. Run web searches using the coach's name followed words such as "camp," or "clinic." Encourage them to watch professional hockey. This lets them see all the things that pro's do that they can do. Practice with them. Never give up on your child. Stay patient with them. If they really want to stop practicing, let them, you shouldn't make them do things they don't want to.

This guide is meant to serve as a basic outline for parents and youth hockey players who have NHL or semi-professional hockey dreams, or just love to play and would like a good education as a bonus.


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