How to Recover Music Stored on Your iPod (Windows)

Open your iTunes Music Player. Connect your iPod to the computer, and stop it from syncing if it starts automatically. Click on Start ? My Computer to Open an Explorer window. Click on Organize. Select Layout. Select Menu Bar to add this to the Explorer Window. Click Tools ? Folder Options. Select View. Select Show Hidden Files and Folder on the Explorer window. Look for your iPod in the 'My Computer' window. It may say something like "Bob's iPod (E:)." Double click the iPod in the 'My Computer' window and navigate to iPod_Control and then Music. Select everything in the folder ( Edit ? Select All ). Drag the selected files into iTunes. iTunes will now import all of the music back to the computer; you can sort the files however you wish. Disable the viewing of hidden folders and you're done! For later versions and Windows Vista, you will have go to Import songs within iTunes, manually select all of the songs within all the folders (under "music" as described above) then proceed to step 10. NOTE!!!! With the new versions of iTunes it may not let you drag and drop directly if this happens just copy and paste the Music folder to you desktop and add it from the iTunes menu. Click

File/Add to Library and select the folder and you should be good to go. New versions of iTunes won't let u drag and drop hidden folders so right click the music folder>Properties>hidden uncheck and when prompted select to apply changes to all folders AND SUB FOLDERS ... now you can drag and drop. - Blackoutking Also to regain your file names and structure back, use the consolidate function built into iTunes: File>Library>Organize Library. Select Consolidate and press OK. This will reorganize and rename files accordingly . Your fresh new library's default folder is as follows: C:\Users\(Windows User Account)\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music -Blackoutking

Have you lost all of the music on your computer, but still have it on your iPod? Did you know iTunes can recover it for you? Well, it can!


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